History Hub


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History Hub is delighted to present ‘History Hub’s Educational Resources’, a brand new podcast series for all history students of all ages – from the staff at the UCD School of History.

UCD School of History

Emeritus Professor

History Hub's Educational Resources

History Hub is delighted to present History Hub’s Educational Resources, a brand new podcast series for all history students of all ages – from the School of History at University College Dublin.

The series consists of interviews and lectures from UCD historians, including Diarmaid Ferriter, Paul Rouse and Catherine Cox, who share their expertise on topics such as: the Anglo-Irish Treaty; the development of fascism in interwar Europe; trade unionism and the 1913 Dublin Lockout; the Irish Women’s suffrage movement; and the Catholic Church in twentieth century Ireland.

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Watch Professor Diarmaid Ferriter discuss the Anglo-Irish Treaty

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The podcasts are free to all listeners and be accessed below, and also on podcasting apps such as Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and RSS.

Episode 1: Diarmaid Ferriter discusses the Anglo-Irish Treaty

In episode one, History Hub editor Dr Irial Glynn is in conversation with Professor Diarmaid Ferriter on a defining moment in modern Irish history, the negotiation of the Anglo-Irish Treaty in 1921.

Listen to the interview on Soundcloud ¦ Spotify ¦ Apple

A video of the interview is also available to watch on our Youtube channel. Watch this short clip where Diarmaid talks about the Irish delegation’s preparedness for the treaty talks in London.

Episode 2: Fionnuala Walsh on the campaign for women’s suffrage in Ireland

In episode two, UCD’s Dr Fionnuala Walsh is in conversation with History Hub editor Dr Irial Glynn about the campaign for women’s suffrage in Ireland.

The full interview is available to podcast on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and RSS. It’s also available to watch on our Youtube channel.

Watch this short clip on how Irish suffragists responded to outbreak of First World War.

Episode 3: Fascist regimes in interwar Europe, a lecture by Robert Gerwarth

In episode three, Robert Gerwarth (Professor of Modern History at UCD) gives a lecture on fascist regimes in interwar Europe.

The full lecture is available to podcast on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and RSS.

Watch this short clip.

Episode 4: Catherine Cox on Trade Unionism and the 1913 Dublin Lockout.

In episode four, Associate Professor Catherine Cox examines trade unionism and the 1913 Dublin Lockout.

Listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and RSS

Episode 5: Cultural Policy and Religion in Independent Ireland.

In episode five, Assistant Professor Susannah Riordan takes a look at cultural policy and religion in independent Ireland.

In her talk Dr Riordan responds to a question from the 2018 Higher Level Leaving Certificate History examination paper: “During the period 1922‐1949, how successful were attempts to make independent Ireland a Gaelic and Catholic society?”

Listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and RSS.

Watch this short clip.

Episode 6: Paul Rouse on Economic change in Ireland in the 1950s.

In episode six, Professor Paul Rouse takes a look at economic developments in Ireland during the 1950s.

Listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and RSS.

Educational Resources is produced by UCD School of History. The series editor is Dr Jennifer Wellington.

Playlist of entire series

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